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Cable TV


Specnet will aid Canadian Advertisers in their efforts to market their products and services practically anywhere in the U.S. Advertisers can target their markets either geographically, demographically or both.

U.S. cable operators contract with the cable networks (such as A&E, CNN, ESPN, MTV, etc.) to carry the network signal for distribution to cable subscribers. In return, the cable operator is allowed to override the network signal at set times each hour. For example, A&E allows for a "local break" at 20 and 40 minutes past the hour depending on programming and CNN allows for a "local break" at 29 and 58 minutes after the hour. Other Networks vary. This is psychographic target marketing.

To geographically target a market, simply choose a state, city or cable system coverage. Say an advertiser is interested in reaching up-scale men in Grand Rapids, Michigan with a college degree, holding a managerial position, age 35-49, $75,000+ personal earned income (PEI) with a propensity to travel outside the continental U.S. 3+ times per year. Specnet would research the market through its data banks, recommend the cable system(s) in the market with the best coverage of the demo, recommend the networks to use to reach that demo, then design a schedule to achieve the required GRPs.

The advertiser's message would be seen by only those in the market who fit the target demo. Targeted coverage with minimal waste. Rates can range from a few dollars per spot for small markets, to 25 or 50 dollars per spot for medium sized markets, to $1,200 to $2,500 per spot for L.A. or N.Y. All rates are based on markets, seasonality, network, daypart and/or programme, and, availability.

PBS TV Services


Specnet Ad Sales is the exclusive Canadian representative for PBS television stations in the U.S. PBS stations are now accepting a limited number of corporate announcements for both 15-second and 30-second spots.

Video on Demand​

What is Video on Demand? Video On Demand or VOD is video content that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort of the viewer's home. It is free to all cable-affiliated, VOD-enabled customers and the programs are promoted heavily with cross-channel announcements. VOD is a great way to view films and television programs. It provides access to a wide collection of material that gives viewers more control over what they want to watch and when they watch it. All of our cable affiliates now offer free Video On Demand services that provide compelling and engaging ad-supported video content.


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